The 4th of July is my birthday. In my younger years, the 4th was always a family get-together. The event started at the home of my mother’s cousin who had a home on 2 acres and attracted from 50 to 60 relatives. Most of those people are dead now and as my mother’s cousin became ill the event broke up into several smaller parties. My uncle took over about 25 years ago; the attendance becoming my grandmother and her 5 children, 20 grandchildren, and 12 great grandchildren. Twelve years ago we stopped getting together on the 4th and replaced it with a family reunion later in July. This is run by my two uncles on my mother’s side, and will eventually fall to their sons when they leave us. Only 3 of my grandmother’s 5 children are still with us, my mother and one of her sisters having passed away. Since the death of my older cousin in a car accident 30 years ago I have been the oldest of the grandchildren. This reunion is literally the only time I see some of my cousins because they live out of town and don’t come in for Christmas. We get together again this year on July 25th and I am looking forward to it.
Most teachers at my school consider the 4th of July holiday the half-way point in the summer vacation. We just received information about picture day, July 23rd. Every summer, on the last day of summer school, the school schedules new ID pictures for all students. The students come in and have a new photo taken; the photo is used to generate a new student ID for next school year and doubles as their yearbook photo. At the same time, students pick up their new schedule for September, and find out who their teachers will be for the next school year. Students who have a problem with their schedule, or just want to change it have an opportunity to speak with the registrar. Needless to say, the line outside her office is 20 deep for hours.
The next several weeks after ID day I will field numerous calls to have students moved from one level of Biology to another. Usually, the parent wants her son or daughter moved into Honors Biology. The reason given for the placement request is that the feel that their student belongs in a higher level. In reality, it is because they have found that their son or daughter has been placed in a particular teacher’s class and, because they have heard bad things about this teacher, they want them moved to another. The registrar will not move students because of a request like this--only the principal has the authority to change teachers within a level, so the parent contacts me (department chairman) to request the level change; which would result in the teacher change they wanted in the first place. We are aware of this ploy, and I turn their names over to the Honors Biology teacher who makes the final decision--which is almost always no.
I usually volunteer to help supervise the picture line on this day; giving me a chance to visit with former students as they line up to have their photo taken as well as catching up with colleagues I don’t have contact with during the summer. Teachers are required to “volunteer” for two activities every school year, and since we all have to come in to have our ID photo’s taken anyway, my attendance takes care of one of these. I also hope to meet with the new Physics/Chemistry teacher on this day and get her up to date with the Chemistry syllabus. She has already meet with the Physics teacher and been brought up to speed with him. If things go well I will be home by noon.
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