For those of you who are pay attention to those things; this is my 100th post.
The beginning of the summer has been very productive so far. I have completed several minor projects, began my summer riding program, and arranged a short vacation for my wife and myself.
The school community suffered a tragic loss when a sophomore girl was killed in a car accident on Memorial Day. She was not one of my students, but everyone tells me that she was a wonderful young lady. The wake was so crowded that people waited in line for almost an hour to view the body and speak with the family. The accident occurred during a thunderstorm, her boyfriend losing control of the car on the wet pavement. He was not hurt badly, but she received significant head injuries. Reportedly she never came out of the coma. I can’t imagine the pain her parents must be going through.
My yearly physical resulted in my doctor recommending that I began taking insulin for my type II diabetes. I just began taking 30 units of Lantus every day. Actually, tasking the insulin was my idea, my blood sugar being more and more difficult to control with oral medication. When I mentioned to my doctor that I thought it was time to begin the Lantus, he agreed and wrote my first prescription. After a week I am comfortable with giving myself the injections.
The weather being rainy last week, I cleaned out the garage--one of the major items on my to-do list. I still need to set up my work bench, but first need to get rid of 17 interior wood doors that are left over from the major remodel we did over the last three years. As soon as these are gone I will use the old vanity to make a base for my new work bench; maybe keeping one of the doors for a bench-top.
The last three bike rides I took resulted in me getting soaked when a sudden thunderstorm showed up. Each time the weather report said it would be fine and each time I got caught in a downpour. Today it was overcast and the predictions were for strong storms in the early afternoon, so I stayed home and planted some perennials around the house. As you might guess, not a drop of rain fell.
My bike riding has turned up some interesting finds this year. In the past ten years I have found cell phones, a police scanner, various tools (screw drivers, wrenches, and even a rather nice aluminum carpenter’s square), CD’s and the odd change as I ride. I have been able to return every cell phone to its proper owner and the police scanner to the city. I have kept the tools, CD’s and change for myself. This summer I have found another cell phone and will return it to the owner this evening. I managed to find the owner by calling the last number he dialed. Last week I found a $5 bill in the gutter along one street I bike on. Another day I found 85 cents (three quarters and a dime) along the curb in front of a home. Yesterday I found another 41 cents in various places. The total for the year so far is $6.26. This type of minutia occupies my mind in the summer; relaxing me and relieving the stress of a hectic year.
Tomorrow afternoon I take my wife to the eye doctor. Afterwards, we plan on meeting my friend from the Theology Department for an early dinner. On Thursday my wife and I leave for Michigan on a short vacation--leaving my adult daughter in charge of the house in our absence.
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