Sunday, April 24, 2011

Back Again!

It has been just about two months since I posted anything; mostly because of the chain of events that has required my attention and time. In early March my wife went to her doctor complaining of some unusual symptoms that had been bothering her for a few months. On March 17th she was diagnosed with uterine cancer and surgery was scheduled. I am thankful to say that the surgery went well and the final pathology report showed that the cancer had not moved into the lymph nodes. Her surgery should take care of the problem with no chemotherapy or radiation necessary. She has been home and restricted in her activity, unable to return to work for at least another month. In a shocking turn of events, two of my best friends from high school were also diagnosed with cancer at the same time.

During the last two months I have thought several times about posting something, but always found myself too preoccupied with my situation to get anything done. Now that things have calmed down I am inclined to post again.

It is surprisingly close to the end of the school year. We are on a short Easter break now and when we return to school there will be only four Mondays left to wake up early before summer vacation. I have always liked to measure the time till summer vacation by counting down “Mondays left to wake up early” with a notation on my board. The last semester exam this year is the Friday before Memorial Day.

Since my last post; we have finished current student registration, registered the new freshmen class, and had a budget for the department approved for next year. Last month the principal finished her interviews for next year and there are no changes expected in the department. All in all the past few months have been a typical spring at school, if not a typical time for me outside of school.

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