It has been over a month since I last posted anything to this page. After a spring break I hoped to return to school with all of my work completed and lots of time on my hands. Unfortunately this was not the case. This is the first day in the last 4 weeks that there is not a pile of papers to grade or assignments to generate. My AP chemistry students are taking their “big” exam this morning, and my Honors Chemistry students are taking their chapter 16 test. My homework folder is empty, at least until it gets filled with Chapter 16 exams, and I have decided to write again while I watch them work.
It has been a very trying last few weeks for the AP teachers in my building. The school has allowed so many interruptions in the normal schedule that reviewing for the exams has been a trial for everyone. Since Monday May 4th I have seen my AP Chemistry class exactly three times. Days were wiped out for; the Graduation mass, Career day, English Calculus and US History AP exams, and Junior/Senior skip day. To make up for some of these interruptions I held Sunday morning review sessions from 10-noon the last three weekends. Some of my colleagues lament that their students are so far behind that they can’t possibly do well on the exam. I would concur; the constant interruptions have been a disaster. I have had to speed through much of the last three chapters in Honors Chemistry just to cover the minimum required work for the final exam.
The photo with this post is of the family of ducks that have taken up residence in the courtyard by the greenhouse. The courtyard is completely enclosed so the two foxes that reside on the property can’t enjoy them for dinner. The mother hatched 11 baby ducklings. If she is lucky one or two will survive the occasional attacks by crows and hawks that frequent the property. As I told the students, the world is a restaurant and everything is on the menu.
Last week the administration offered contracts for next year. Since I wrote that everyone was coming back we lost one of our Physics teachers who was offered a full time position at UIC. He will be missed. The principal and I are in the process of interviewing his replacement. We have two prospects for the position, one has already talked to us and the other will be scheduled next week. The teacher Biology teacher we hired last year has proven to be an excellent addition to the department.
This weekend my wife and I travel to St. Louis to see our daughter graduate from college. We are both excited and very proud of her.
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