The first week of summer vacation has been restful and quiet. Monday I needed to be in school to finalize my grades and attend a morning meeting, but the rest of the week has been blessed vacation. My summer exercise routine consists of alternate days of biking and weight lifting in hopes of getting myself back in reasonable shape. But, while school is out, I have had to address several inquiries from parents and students.
One of my best students emailed me earlier in the week to tell me that I recorded the wrong number of extra credit points on her 4th quarter grade sheet. I checked, and she was correct, but the added points did not change her grade--which was already an A+. I replied, teasing her about now getting an A++.
The mother of another teacher’s student emailed me with a question about her daughter’s lost text book. Students must return their state text book before they are allowed to take their final exam. If the book is lost, it must be paid for or replaced with a used book in reasonable condition. I let the parent know there was a link on my teacher page to a site that sells used books. Several days later she contacted me again to let me know that the book had arrived and would be dropped off at the office for me. The teacher involved just retired and I volunteered to take care of his make-up exams so he could start his life of leisure.
Another parent emailed to inform me that I had made a mistake in calculating her daughter’s final grade. I was informed that her daughter had an 84.2% average for the semester which should have resulted in a B-. Her grade had been reported as a C+. She requested that I either change the grade or get back to her with an explanation for what I had done.
I checked her daughter’s grade and it did come out to an 84.2% when the 3rd quarter, 4th quarter, and Final Exam percentages were weighted properly and averaged. Unfortunately for the girl, final grades are not calculated using the percentage grades for each part--even though the grading program had reported that average on the students grade page--but rather, by using quality points assigned to each letter grade.
The girl received a B for third quarter, B+ for 4th quarter, and failed the final exam. The B received 6 quality points, the B+ 6.8 quality points, and the F 0 points, for a total of 12.8. The minimum quality points for a semester grade of B- are 13.0. I explained this to the mother and she seemed to understand, but thought the method was unfair. I whole heartedly agree, straight percentages would be much more fair and valid, but I did not tell the parent. I did ask her to talk to assistant principal for academics to voice her concerns.
To understand that using percentages would be a better way to determine semester grades requires an understanding of numbers--a skill which, sadly, many of the teachers in our building lack. The administration has left it up to the faculty to vote on how grades will be determined and my side gets outvoted by the innumerate each time. I believe that it is important that teachers do not complain to parents about the way things are done, so I publically tow the company line. If enough of the “quality point” people had to respond to parents who questioned the process things might change.
I let the assistant principal know of her pending parent contact--she rolled her eyes and told me that she already had 5 other calls about the same thing. I also spoke to the registrar, who is in charge of report cards, about the situation. She is also well aware of the problem; responding to several parent s already. The present situation might be helped if she could block the reporting of % averages by the grading program, but I was informed that the program did not allow that. I refuse to let this ruin the start of my summer.