Back to school time is here and, as usual, one more month of vacation would be greatly appreciated. As one of my colleagues commented when I made the last statement, just think of it being that much closer to retirement. Actually I am not desperately longing for the day when I can retire; I enjoy teaching and getting back to school time is not as depressing as you might think. The excitement and anticipation of a new school year dulls the pain of having to get up at 5:30 a.m. again.
As usual, my year began with a 9:00 a.m. department chairman meeting on Monday, followed by a department meeting, lunch, and a useless hour spent at a technology in-service. Tuesday included mass (we are a Catholic school), a faculty meeting which was not so bad that I wanted to kill myself to make it end, lunch, and an afternoon of setting up my classroom for the return of the students. Tomorrow the new freshmen run through their schedule and get acclimated to the school. “Senior friends” are assigned to walk small groups of “freshies” through where everything is in the building and how to open their locker—you would be surprised at how difficult this can be for some. Five minute classes give the students a chance to meet their teachers. I have at least one freshmen four of my five teaching periods with no more than three any period, so I have to be present for the morning sessions. I really don’t mind, taking into consideration that I would be there anyway setting things up for tomorrow. The day’s activities end before noon for everyone.
Thursday and Friday are half-days with 25 minute periods. By the end of the week I will have gone over my class policies with the new chemistry students, passed out text books, run through the schedule for the first unit, and set up a seating chart so I can learn their names quickly. Only a painfully inexperienced or incompetent teacher would allow the students to choose their own seats.
Monday marks the first full day of classes. My students will check into lab and have their “materials check” for their first grade. Tuesday is a quiz on the safety rules before we jump into Unit 1. Later the first week parents will return for “back-to-school night.” All in all, the first two weeks proceed at a frenetic pace, a real kick in the pants, culminating with the three day Labor Day weekend. Just the prescription to get everyone back in the grove; and an early start that results in the end of school coming before June begins.
My situation is better than many others; my concerns minor. I could be one of those teachers that have been laid off because of funding cuts with no prospect of being hired because of the budget cuts in most school districts. I could be a member of the Chicago Teachers Union whose president has predicted that the teachers will strike because of the loss of their promised pay raise and a perception of disrespect by the rank and file. I could be employed by a school where nobody cared if anyone learned anything; mailing it in until I reached retirement age.
I work for a school that is committed to excellence, teach students who are eager to learn, and work with many colleagues that I can respect and admire.