My mother-in-law, God rest her soul, observed that the continuum between liberals and conservatives was a circle not a line. In other words, as the two positions became more and more extreme they actually moved ever closer together rather than apart. This observation is crystal clear to any objective observer; assuming there are any objective observers left. Sadly, almost everyone who votes has rationalized their position to the extent that they are blinded to the truth.
The problem, in my opinion, is that the media has taken sides and has stopped presenting information without also spinning it to sway opinion. This is done by both the movements, liberal and conservative, each maintaining they are impartial, when in fact they are both full of shit. Let me give you an example.
In my opinion Rush Limbaugh is an arrogant, self-important ass, who mistakenly thinks that his success is based on his superior intelligence and talent. In reality, his success can be attributed to being in the right place at the right time with a marketable “monkey trick.” The fact that he is insufferable does not affect the validity of his arguments or positions. Being basically conservative, I would agree with much, but not all of what he proposes, even if I would rather plunge a knitting needle into my ear than spend any length of time listening to him. His counterparts on the liberal side are equally detestable.
Yesterday I was listening to our local “progressive” radio station and was assaulted by one of the most vile, detestable programs I can remember. The host (I don’t recall his name) who apparently prides himself on being civil and not allowing any negative talk on his program referred to Limbaugh as hateful , suggesting that something terrible must have happened to him during his life to make Rush the way he is. When a caller challenged his commitment to civil discourse the host spent twenty minutes explaining how calling Limbaugh “hateful” and implying that he—along with his audience--are mentally ill was not uncivil, essentially because it was true. How he kept a straight face during his explanation is a mystery to me. The program also contained a commercial for a book that outlined how conservatives were horribly bad people, with an entire chapter concerning the Cheney family and how wicked and corrupt they are. There are numerous counter arguments against the conservative solution to our social/economic problems, but you won’t hear any on this “progressive” station. Just vote against them because they are “bad” people—that should be enough reason.
If the founding fathers could have known the extent to which these examples of political propaganda and character assignation would be publically decimated by the media, they might not have written a right to free speech into the constitution. These propaganda machines, left and right, liberal and conservative are shameful, appealing to the most bigoted and ignorant in society.
Hopefully, one of the hottest levels of Hell is reserved for the media who promote this circus for personal gain and those political partisans who use this propaganda to decide who to vote for. They are the problem.