Last month I wrote about our “tuition problems” at school. As you may remember, 300 or our 1500+ student body were behind in their tuition payments. The administration decided to hold students from class at the beginning of the 4th quarter if they were not up to date. The chaos that ensued made national news when a freshmen parent called a local TV station and report what we were doing. The parent thought that if she could get the media to focus on us as the problem, we would allow her child to stay out of shame for what we had done. Apparently, in her mind, not paying your bill is the problem of the business that was owed the money, not the dead-beat parent who hadn't paid. My sister told me that relatives of her husband(alumni)called all the way from Florida when they saw the report on their local TV. The media was all over us for about 24 hours; our financial problems were characterized as resulting from the general economic problems of the country. Even the mayor of Chicago, Richie Daley, used us to make a point when he criticized the Chicago police union for wanting to picket city hall; reminding them that the economy was so bad that people couldn’t even pay their private school tuition. Publicly he as much as told them they should be happy to have a job. The whole thing became a circus that was blown wildly out of proportion by the media, who are well known for such foolishness (especially on a slow news day).
Apparently though, we were not the only victims of the irresponsible quest for ratings. Later that week I was shocked to hear that a Boston prep school had a vampire in the building. It appears that a group of students, in an attempt to harass a young girl who didn’t “fit in”, started a rumor that she was a vampire. The prank broke bad when the police arrived at the school for some unrelated purpose and the students who started the rumor began saying that they were there to arrest the ”vampire.” Things got out of hand when frightened students reported what happened (or what they thought had happened) to their parents. At this point the principle, in one of the most misguided actions an administrator ever took, sent an email out to parents to assure them that there was no vampire at school and they and their children had nothing to worry about. The local media got hold of the email and all hell broke loose; the story making national news the next day. It should be no surprise why our country is going to hell so fast these days; with a media so retarded that they would even consider reporting such a pile of crap. I apologize to any retarded people who are offended at being compared to the media.
Thank God today is the last day of school before spring break.